Pokeball Sphero


Attempted to make a Sphero-style spherical robot in 3 days, to complement a Pokemon cosplay. Exclusively used parts that I had lying around already (except for the plastic ball, purchased at a craft store). It uses a bluetooth module and is controlled by an app. It is not very well balanced, and therefore doesn’t drive very well, but succeeds in looking like a trapped pokemon in a pokeball, like in the games.


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Best sphero I've ever built in 3 days (it's supposed to be going in a straight line) #adafruit #lilypadarduino #diy #sphero #robotics #ctcon2017

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When u try to catch a pokemon but u dont wanna battle it bc then it will get hurt #pokemon #pokeball #pokespe #yellowpokemonadventures #diy #cosplay #sphero #robotics #sparkfun #adafruit #lilypadarduino #bluefruit #ctcon2017 #cosplay #cosplayprop

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